Hire Me, Inc. Resumes and Cover Letters : That Get Results (Paperback)

Hire Me, Inc. Resumes and Cover Letters

Here’s the secret to getting your foot in the door for the job of your dreams: Market yourself with your resume and cover letter using the same methods a CEO uses to sell his products. Career expert Roy J. Blitzer shows you how to use these tools to stand out as a top candidate that any organization will jump to hire.

Blitzer reveals why standard, template resumes aren’t enough. Instead, he shows you how to focus on measurable results and accomplishments to prove your worth and outshine your competition.

Valuable sample resumes, lists of the top action words, exercises and fill-in-the-blank work sheets help you craft a resume that gets you noticed-and hired.

About the Author

Roy J. Blitzer is an executive coach and management consultant with 30 years of experience as a human resources and business management professional.